Building an Airtight Brand: Branding is what makes or breaks a brand. It’s the secret behind a customer’s undying loyalty and the reason why some people will never, ever buy from you (and that’s a GREAT thing).
Good branding is also the secret behind Stan Lee’s success or Nike’s or Apple’s. But what do you have to do to get the kind of magnetic branding that will have your fans rallying behind you? Where can you learn where to get all the information you need to get sensational branding?
Well, here are the 3 steps (in 3+1 books) that you need to take to building an airtight brand.
Step 1: Get Clear on Your Why – Recommended Book: Start with Why by Simon Sinek
At its core, “Building an Airtight Brand” is defining who you are as a business owner and as an entrepreneur. Because your brand is the way you choose to show up in the world and the way you show up, in turn, will allow you to attract like-minded people. Getting clear on why you are doing what you are doing is the most important step you will ever take in building an airtight brand. Because your products are not the reason people are sticking with your brand: your values are. Your values are the core of your brand, and the energy that powers your values is your why.
Time and time again, on your journey as an entrepreneur, you will get lost and won’t know what to do. In those situations, your why will be the North Star that will guide you in the right direction.
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action will help you get clarity on the reasons that are pushing you forward. I’ve never met anyone, no matter how experienced as a Global Leader and Entrepreneur, who hasn’t had their lives changed for the better by this book.
Now, throughout the year, the why shifts. So, I recommend meditating about once a year on what your why is. Is it the same it was last year? Has it shifted? And if every time you ask yourself “What is the driving force behind my business?” a thousand reasons pop up and you can’t figure out the core one, maybe the Find Your Why workbook will help you sort out your thoughts and generally make that aspect of entrepreneurship so much easier.
Step 2: Get Clear on Your Messaging – Recommended Book: Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
Now that you have gotten clear on your why, it’s time to make sure that your brand has clear enough messaging. In fact, messy messaging is one of the crown reasons your offers may not be converting as well as you would like and your brand loyalty may be at an all-time low.
I’ve mentioned in the previous paragraph that people rally around those who are champions of their own values. But in order for them to defend and support your brand, they have to understand what your values are, and so your brand’s messaging has to be:
- Simple
- Effective
- Honest
- Easy to understand
And I know that’s easier said than done. The feelings and reasons and values that drive people to take an action as strong as starting their own brand are often a) very intense and b) extremely complex.
There are a thousand and one reasons why I started GLC, but I, too, had to get clear on what my core message was. To do that, I had to really think about what the core values behind GLC are and how I wanted to help my customers. And then I had to make it as easy to understand as possible. It sounds easy, but it can be extremely challenging, especially when you’re a heart-and-emotions first kind of person who feels that every single feeling that got you to that point are all equally important.
Building a Story Brand can really help you in making your message impactful and easy to understand. But all actions have consequences… and the consequences of taking Miller’s advice will be the ability to cut through the noise, get straight to the point and talk to the hearts of your customers. The increased growth and conversion rates are also nice side effects.
Step 3: Tell Your Story – Recommended Book: Branding is Sex by Deb Gabor
In my opinion, stories are the most amazing thing on the planet. If you think about it, stories were the first method of communication humans EVER had. And you know what that resulted in? Connection.
This screen you are using right now to read is the product of a story.
The phone you check your mail on was born in a story.
Stories are the most powerful way to establish strong, genuine connections. And strong, genuine connections are the key to having a long-lasting brand. Without those, you run the risk of turning into one of those shops where people pop in because they really need something. But they won’t remember your name, who you are or what you do, so they will never come back.
So, how do you establish these connections?
Storytelling, of course. And your story in particular.
So, tell your audience what drove you to create the company. What happened? How did it make you feel? Be candid, be honest and end the story by making them feel like they are now embarking on the same journey with you.
This will not only allow you to position yourself in a certain way in their eyes, but it creates an emotional connection and give you a common ground. And that’s beautiful.
If there is a book that explains incredibly well how to build a compelling brand story, it’s Branding is Sex by Deb Gabor. If there is one book about branding, I will always recommend, it’s this one.
Branding is the secret to entrepreneurial longevity. Learning it now means staying relevant tomorrow.